Sign Up Family Members

Instructions to sign up your Family:
You will start by creating your account here:, once you verify your email, you should be ready to add team members. 
Then you will add each family member as a “Team Member” in your account with the steps below: 

Steps to create team members on your account:

  1. Log in to your Duplie account
  2. Go to your profile by clicking on your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen and selecting “My Profile”
  3. On the left side of your profile page you will see a category called “Team”, right now it says “None” - click on the word “None”
  4. Then “+ New Team Member” and add in as many details as you have for each person. Save.
  5. Once you save everyone on your account, go to the vent you want to sign up for and, and click “Sign up”.
  6. Then check “Bring Other volunteers” and on the pop up window. It’s here that you can add the team members you’re bringing with you.

Email us with questions.